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MIMI + ME just got inked!


Way back September 10, 2014.—when I’m not engaged on my smartphone, scribbling is what I do to pass time.  Then I suddenly realized my initials J and G are on the treble clef that I have drawn   * also added some musical notes …pardon me but I thought they’d look great , haha*

yesI kept this sketch until now for my reference!

Jamaica Gacuan

If not on my 25th birthday, I planned to have the session before 2016 bids adieu No pressure , right? 😂 #parangdeadline

The toughest for me; back, thigh or ankle.Since I don’t want to traumatize myself,  I opted for the smallest version of my chosen design on my right foot beside my ankle bone (but where’s the BONE? )



So who went first? There’s no denying that I have LOW pain tolerance. But I don’t want to prolong my agony, and so I pretended to be fearless!

The moment those scary needles touched my skin, the traffic jam in my head disappeared. It wasnt that bad at all, even told Mimi that ingrown removal is more painful than getting a tattoo 🙃😉😱 attagirl! What a relief!

This work of art is originally a watercolor tattoo , but since the artist’s inks were limited; no pink, blue and purple 😶  we decided to still proceed and maybe sooner or later consider adding the colors 🤔😐

Let me know if you wanna see the original design 🤗 and I’ll post it here, or DM/PM to you. 😉
Link to Mimi’s tattoo sesh: Inked once…


I am different on the inside and outside, I think most of us do? I am predictably unpredictable. I love peaceful surroundings, loud music, dogs, boyfie's hoodies, caps, pizza, hot coffee, noodles, beach, bed, cameras, photos and bears.

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